- Always proof-read your work. Re-read over and over again and make sure you didn't make any mistakes.
- P.S. (Post Script) is to be in capitals. Not a stab at Mayonaise. At the end of a letter (or a blog) P.S. should always be capitalized.
- ThIs Is NoT pRoPeR sPeLlInG oR gRaMmAr AnD sHoUlD nOt bE uSeD uNlEsS mAkInG fUn At TeEnIeS!!1!! Seriously. It's hard on the eyes. Though very funny if used to make fun of teenies. Use with caution.
- Making bulleted lists are always fun.
- And finally, numbered lists are better.
So now... A numbered list! Not involving spelling and grammar though.
- To remain "anonymous" I would suggest you don't post the places you've been, you are, or going to. Yet again, not a stab at Mayonaise. Or your daily routine. Your personality should also remain hidden.
- Never, ever, ever try to write two blogs in half an hour. I gotta go.
It was nice poking at Mayo a little. Well, bye.